Monday, June 21, 2010

Welcome Home Parade

We drove up to Steven's Point this weekend to attend a Welcome Home Parade and Celebration for the 32nd Brigade. Though they returned in late January this parade was to honor their service in the past years deployment. I guess they waited until the weather was nice.
All 3000 or so troops marched in a parade which was followed by a festival with food, music, kids activities, military vehicles and of course speeches from Wisconsin politicians :)

waiting for daddy

here comes the parade

nate is the far soldier in the last row if you can't tell :)

with daddy after he marched

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

To a great Daddy who finally got to spend Father's with his son!
This pic was from Memorial Day weekend

Friday, June 18, 2010

Poor Baby

Aside from his brief mowing of the lawn, this is what Finley did most of yesterday and today. He was feeling very yucky with his fever getting up to 104 degrees. A mystery to us as he had no other symptoms beside being miserable?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lawn Boy

Nate went to mow the lawn and Finley happily grabbed his mower to help. Lawn mowers are one of Finley's favorite things. Would you believe he was running about a 103 degree fever in these pics? He was feeling pretty yucky but I guess his obsession with mowers is pretty serious.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Potty Pooper!

Though in hind-sight we should have taken a few photos of our big boy doing his very first business ON the potty, in the midst of the excitement (and some disbelief) we did not. This is however a picture of the scene of the historical event...
Nate said I just had to blog about this since it was a "milestone" - I think it was also due to the fact that it was Nate's quick thinking and supportive coaching that led up to what would be Finley's first potty experience. We were very exicited for him and he was too very excited for himself. Only time will tell if this is the "real" start of potty training or just an lucky isolated event. What a big boy we have!!