NO really...things have just been kind of crazy since Nate left and honestly will all the holiday shopping and such I haven't had a lot of spare time unless it's late at night when I am too tired to write anything coherent....let alone upload photos successfully. Really I am spending those wee hours Christmas shopping online or mind numbingly catching up on my DVR'd shows :) So.. be sure to scroll down periodically as I am back posting as fast as I can ( I really honestly mean that). I plan on playing catch up for a while so be patient young grasshoppers and you too will be rewarded.
Nate flew out early this morning headed back to Iraq. He is actually staying the night in Atlanta before heading on his international flight(s) tomorrow. Long story short he got very sick these last few days of his leave and as of last night we weren't even sure he was healthy enough to travel but we tried everything in our power to postpone his trip back and also to get him to in to the doctor and nothing worked. If you know anything about the Army you know that everything is ass-backward (for lack of a better term??) and that things just don't happen without as struggle. I'm just saying.. not trying to dis the Army but geez. The good thing is that Nate was feeling a little better as of 6 am today (no more fever) and when I talked to him this evening he had regained some of his voice. I just hope the long flights don't take more out of him. Anyway, we had a great 2 weeks despite of the sickness and Finley and I already miss Nate a ton. We know it's only about 5 weeks or so before he should be heading home for good so that is keeping our spirits up. More later as I am pretty beat from our early morning and heading to bed!!
One thing Nate and I decided to do on his R and R was take Finley to see Santa. We took him to East Towne Mall here in Madison, the same place we took him last year. In fact, it was the same exact "Santa"...ok, I know there is only ONE Santa...duh :) Anyway, I will let you all be the judge of this one.
Who is more scared? Nate and my vote is for Santa... like a reindeer in headlights...
Every time I look at this picture I can't help but laugh. Figures our child would scare Santa and not vice versa. I will say I was proud of Finley for doing so well. The kicker was when Santa handed Finley a "digger" to hold. Finley then knew Santa spoke his language. It all went bad when I walked 2 feet away because the photo lady asked me to come preview the photo as she would take it. Then Finley started to melt- you can see a little trepidation forming on his face as the picture was being taken... he was thinking I might leave him there with Santa and Nate. What can I say, I have a momma's boy!!
Hi Everyone. Yes, I am still a blog slacker but just wanted to put out there that Nate arrived safely this afternoon after starting his journey from Iraq on Sunday. After a "small" glitch yesterday everything is A-ok and we are home together as a family. Finley is very happy with his Daddy so that is great. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening hanging out and playing and had dinner with Nate's parents who came up to see him and brought us dinner. Nate is pretty tired and jet lagged so we will keep it low key for the next few days before heading up to see my parents, both sets of his grandparents and also going to the Packer game on Sunday with Nate's best friend and his girlfriend. We are looking forward to the next 2 weeks of fun and just being together!
Yes. I am a total blog slacker. And for no good reason really? This last week and half have just been tiresome and kind of boring, aside from the daily grind and anticipating Nate coming home on leave. He will be home around this time next week!! He leaves for his loooonnng journey home on Sunday the 14th. Yay! My mom is coming down to stay with me tomorrow and help me out a bit. Friday night Finley is spending the night at Nate's parents house so that I can go to some bright and early Army briefings on Saturday. And there you have it. I am back posting a couple things to make up for the absence.
Did I mention I am totally excited for Nate to come home? So excited I have myself worn out with trying to get things done (yeah, that I haven't done in the last 9 months- whatever) So I can't promise many posts honestly for the month of November as we will be pretty busy by next week and enjoying being together as a family!!
Happy Halloween to everyone. We had a pretty good one. I must add first that Finley was a bit moody all day, in fact I found myself wondering why he was a Bee and not a Crab for Halloween...anyway. Our friends Jessica and Bree came over to spend the evening with us and do a little trick or treating. The kids played and we had some dinner and got them dressed up in their costumes. Finley the Bumble Bee and Bree the Chicken. I must say both were just adorable. We headed out in neighborhood for some trick or treating. The kids couldn't handle a lot but we got go around the block and visit a few houses. It was fun but a lot of work for us mommies as we mostly just carried the kids (while pushing the strollers) between houses. It was Miss Bree's first Halloween so that was special. Finners was too little to trick or treat last year so it was his first time doing that. Altogether we had a good time, a bit chaotic, but fun. Here are a BUNCH of pictures from our night.
Before all the fun started in his Halloween shirt being silly
Getting dressed on the couch pre-Bee. Finley looks like a stagehand at this point. A little action between the Chicken and the Bee
Mommy and the Bee
Just squeezable!! What it looks like when you strap a Bee into a stroller... and a Chicken... Loot Mommy and the Bee on the street Jessica and the Chicken I just thought this shot of his "stinger" was hilarious The Bee is down Going through their loot Mom, can I have this Kit Kat?? Watching Sesame Street winding down after the festivities were over...all buzzed out. Playing before bedtime...
Today we had a fun playdate with Mary and Isabel. Finley actually fell asleep in the middle of it on the floor...he had not napped beforehand after having a really crappy nights sleep last night. The kids interacted some but mostly just parallel played but at one point both were playing with the activity table... do you like Finley's "baba"? Seriously, this kid is addicted to his bottle. Anyone have any pointers? He refuses to take his milk from a sippy cup. He still takes his milk in three bottles a day and only water in a sippy cup besides that. He still hates juice. Anyway, my bottle challenge will continue but we had a fun day catching up with Mary and seeing how big Miss Isabel has gotten.
Finley's true love these days is trucks. Digger's, to be more specific...
Can you believe I got those adorable Truck pajamas for $1.00 at a garage sale this summer?? They were brand new, never worn too. They found just the right kid to appreciate them though.
He was watching Sesame Street all the while...hence the deer-in-headlights look?? Finley's second love...Elmo.
As you can see I was busy changing up my blog. Well, as I scrolled ALL the way down when previewing I see the my yellow ribbon widget says 1st Sarge Mike? What the hell? I am pretty sure it did not say that before? Please, tell me if I am crazy or if you noticed this? Who the heck is 1st Sarge Mike? Ummmm, I am pretty sure someone hacked the general HTML code on the widget site for this because I tried to create a new one 3 times and they all came out saying 1st Sarge Mike... Sorry Top, I don't know you so I guess I am going to give up my yellow ribbon for now till maybe I can figure this thing out?? Is that unpatriotic? Oh boy. I support all of our troops! (I just don't want random 1SG names on my blog?)
Well I realize I have not been keeping up with the blog very well lately. Actually, I have been starting a post almost every night however I just never had the time or energy to finish them. Let me tell you why...
#1 Many a things need fixin' around here...this adds to my busy days. I have been forever trying to get our garage door fixed, a new front door installed and various other household projects done.
#2 Finley decided to boycott napping this week. I think his entire nap time probably equaled about 2 hours all week! At least he slept ok at night. A few wake ups lately. I am pretty sure this is a lot due to teething.
#3 See post Mommy's Little Helper
#4 Finley and I graciously came down with a cold this week. Fun!
#5 Finley has perfected the art of throwing a tantrum. He has been practicing for awhile but this week I think was Oscar worthy.
So there you have it. My top 5 reasons to keep me off of blogger for a week!
If you scroll down you can catch up with us this week as I have finished and posted all of my back entries. Enjoy!!
I will just let you judge for yourself. Note, all of these things happened over the course of this last week. He loves to "help" when I am cleaning (ironic?) or trying to cook... Sorry for the blur but my iphone is the fastest way to record these precious moments...
yes that is Howie EATING the rolls Finley has thrown out of the freezer...
Well its that time of year and since Finley and I hadn't yet gotten our pumpkins... and just HAD to take advantage of the beautiful day we had today, nevermind the fact that he decided yet again NOT to nap today, we headed over to Schuster's Playtime Farm... aka the pumpkin farm. We skipped the cornmaze this year... seeing as though I did NOT feel much like getting lost for hours with my 14 month old kid in a bunch of corn and going crazy (we do plenty of going crazy at home). We did opt this year to do the kids zone/petting zoo part. I am seriously not kidding you when I say it was awesome weather out! Like all of a sudden amongst the rain and cold we get this 65 degree day! Just a perfect day to cruise around the farm. We spent 2 hours there looking at animals, running around and picking out our pumpkins. I think Mr. Finn had a pretty good time. I know I did.
Pumpkin picking
Wagon Pushing The wagons getting full.... Finley helped choose the pumpkins but he picked out his pumpkin, which happened to be a white one. Guess I did not get a picture of this? These two were just too cute Chicken Chasing Boy gripping tire Smiley Hey donkey. (ps I now want a donkey- seriously. they were so cute and sweet) He yelled at the goats a lot. I think he thought they looked like Opsec? Posing in front of the "Catty-Shack". I had a special place in my heart for this guy (girl?). He too was too cute. Finley loved watching the kittens. I (of course) wanted to take this little one home. This is what back at home an bored again looks like. He really liked Schusters. So sad.