Monday, October 26, 2009

I ♥ Trucks

Finley's true love these days is trucks. Digger's, to be more specific...

Can you believe I got those adorable Truck pajamas for $1.00 at a garage sale this summer??
They were brand new, never worn too. They found just the right kid to appreciate them though.

He was watching Sesame Street all the while...hence the deer-in-headlights look?? Finley's second love...Elmo.


  1. Well be prepared Ramsey is almost 2 and still can't get enough of trucks. I mean it is on the verge of obsession. He loves dinosours and car transportes too. Gotta love little boys :)

  2. Yay for garage sale deals! I love those pjs! (How did you get that heart in your title?)
