Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Video Post

I am just beat tonight after having my mom and dad here all day helping me get ready for the garage sale!! I decided to post some videos I took of Finley last week that I just actually viewed.
He is just obsessed with the vacuum- sidenote: you see the vacuum in practically every picture or video, this is because my menagerie of pets never stop shedding and I literally vacuum everyday. It also is because Finley is love with the vacuum so it's an activity that puts him in a good mood too.
I found him the other morning trying so hard to push it around any we he could. So funny to watch trying to figure the world out. He since picks up his play vacuum and copies me and follows me around when I vacuum. The other videos are peek-a-boo. There is never a bad time for a game of peek-a-boo these days! I love wear he just starts shouting things at the TV. I think it may have been his morning cartoons?

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