After the presentation we got to see live feed of the guys in Iraq also watching the game over there and enjoyed some lunch and yummy Culver's Custard. Families were also able to talk to their soldiers via web cams but Nate and I opted not to do this since we are lucky enough to talk daily and have Skype ability at home.
The highlight? Borders donated 50 boxes of free childrens books for the military children. Finley and I seriously came home with 17 books! And these were really nice books, not just crap they could not sell. We had fun looking through the mounds of books and everyone was able to take as many as they wanted with plenty leftover to distribute to families that weren't able to attend the event. Again, I am impressed with Borders and will gladly give them my business everyday. Afterall Mr. Finley LOVES to run around in their store.
The kids had fun once they could eat and run around a bit but they were too little to take part in many of the events. There were lots of "mascots" walking around like Chester Cheeto and Scoopie (from Culvers). We called it kind of short since both kids needed naps by 1:00pm. It was a fun little day though.
Trapped in the stroller but looking at his new "Cars" Golden Book
Lauren getting a snack
Now this is more like it
A boy on the loose
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