Thursday, December 3, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Nate flew out early this morning headed back to Iraq. He is actually staying the night in Atlanta before heading on his international flight(s) tomorrow. Long story short he got very sick these last few days of his leave and as of last night we weren't even sure he was healthy enough to travel but we tried everything in our power to postpone his trip back and also to get him to in to the doctor and nothing worked. If you know anything about the Army you know that everything is ass-backward (for lack of a better term??) and that things just don't happen without as struggle. I'm just saying.. not trying to dis the Army but geez. The good thing is that Nate was feeling a little better as of 6 am today (no more fever) and when I talked to him this evening he had regained some of his voice. I just hope the long flights don't take more out of him.
Anyway, we had a great 2 weeks despite of the sickness and Finley and I already miss Nate a ton. We know it's only about 5 weeks or so before he should be heading home for good so that is keeping our spirits up. More later as I am pretty beat from our early morning and heading to bed!!

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