Monday, November 30, 2009

Santa Claus...

One thing Nate and I decided to do on his R and R was take Finley to see Santa. We took him to East Towne Mall here in Madison, the same place we took him last year. In fact, it was the same exact "Santa"...ok, I know there is only ONE Santa...duh :)
Anyway, I will let you all be the judge of this one.

Who is more scared? Nate and my vote is for Santa... like a reindeer in headlights...

Every time I look at this picture I can't help but laugh. Figures our child would scare Santa and not vice versa. I will say I was proud of Finley for doing so well. The kicker was when Santa handed Finley a "digger" to hold. Finley then knew Santa spoke his language. It all went bad when I walked 2 feet away because the photo lady asked me to come preview the photo as she would take it. Then Finley started to melt- you can see a little trepidation forming on his face as the picture was being taken... he was thinking I might leave him there with Santa and Nate. What can I say, I have a momma's boy!!

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