This is going to be a long post as I haven’t posted anything all week since we have been pretty busy! Nate was kind of disappointed to not see anything new so here it is in one big post!
Sunday…Finley and I just hung out and did the norm until my sister came over with dinner.
Finley with his Aunt Chris…
Monday… Finley and I cleaned the house up visited the Y…nothing special. I was trying to capture a good picture of our dog Opsec for a picture frame I have to put up with all 5 pets…
For some reason we don’t have that many pictures of Opsec because he is very un-photogenic and we always delete them because they are so bad! I think I did get a few good ones this time.
Tuesday…. My mom came down to stay with us for 2 days. After she arrived we ran out to the grocery store and that was about it.
A photo of Finley and I… he was crabby in this one
Finley’s new talent of climbing into your lap
Wednesday… Mom and I went shopping for a few hours and just enjoyed the day with Finley.
Wednesday Night… Finley started getting extra fussy in the evening and I was wondering what was going on. He didn’t settle down and go to sleep till 10:00pm (normally by 8 pm) and of course he was up just screaming at 1:00am. It appeared my little guy had come down with a rotten cold (and is teething to boot). I guess it’s a YMCA Childcare Center initiation because I have no idea where else he would have picked it up. I feel fine?? Well, Finley was up several times that night and was just restless in his sleep even after Tylenol. He also woke up nice and early the next morning. Aye!
Thursday….Finley was feeling better mid-morning after some more Tylenol. My mom watched him for me while I ran a few errands and before she took off for home around 2pm. Here are a few pictures before Grandma left.
My mom and Finley
Playing with Grandma’s help
Lounging with the pets
The rest of Thursday was ok… I was gearing up for another rotten night. Poor Finley was sniffling and had a constant stream of snot dripping from his nose… sorry for the graphic description! Through all of it though he was a trooper and still managed to have fun in his walker. We also had a visit with “Cyber Daddy” via the Video Chat on Gmail. Nate was thrilled to see Finley and Finley the same. He kept trying to touch Nate on my laptop and was smiling away at him. Too cute!
Finley went to bed on Thursday night around his normal time of 8 pm and to my shock (I was prepared for the worst, hoping for the best) he slept straight through the night till 7:45am! He was somewhat restless but I kept waking up every time he coughed or if I didn’t hear him for a bit I would check the video monitor I keep on the nightstand. Obviously I was very worried about him!
Friday (today)… Finley woke up after his long night with green boogers crusted to his face and hair! Gross!! I had to clean my poor guy up. He was just a big mess but seemed to be feeling a little better. He then took a 3.5 hour nap from 9am-12:30pm. Totally unheard of in Finley’s world. I guess he was still feeling pretty crappy. This afternoon he wasn’t interested in doing much. My sister stopped by as well as Nate’s dad to drop off their dog Packer whilst they vacation in Mexico for the week. It’s a full house around here for the next week… 3 dogs, 3 cats and 1 very active baby! We are up for it though. Packer is doing well besides the incident where Howie (our dog) peed on her in the back yard! Boy dogs can be naughty! A little bucket bath was in order and now I am sure to monitor the situation when they all go out. Finley is in love with the dogs and keeps crawling to Packer and petting her. Well… hopefully Saturday will bring more fun, and a better Finley! He is all over the place now and I hope to post some crawling videos soon.
PS… Nate is doing well and I am in the midst of planning our trip to see him in April… more on that soon!!
sounds like your doing well at staying busy which is MAJOR in getting through this Hope Finley is feeling better soon.