Sunday, March 22, 2009

Please Stand By...

We are experiencing technical difficulties!! On top of all the other fun challenges we have faced this week, my laptop also pooped out on me. I was actually without a computer pretty much for the last 4 days or so and for me that is INSANE!! I am addicted to google, blogger and Facebook to name a few. I also love to shop online or just browse... my computer is pretty much a lifeline. Not to mention paying bills, checking our bank account and handling the lovely healthcare issues...
Today my father in law Greg brought me up a loaner and took my little HP that couldn't away to be ultimately fixed and back to me soon. I am SO grateful that Greg is the head of IT for his company and #1 knows a thing or two about computers and #2 is able to provide me with things like this loaner laptop... Thank you Greg!!
I will be back to posting Finley's adventures soon!


  1. Geez, Erin. When it rains, it pours...but you know, after that pouring, it is usually very nice! I hope things are looking up and I'm excited to check back and see what's been up with you guys lately.

  2. Erin,I know what you mean about being lost without a working computer. Glad you are connected with world again. And I think Greg is a nice guy too! - Aunt Marcia
