Saturday, March 28, 2009

Standing Up!

Well, Mr. Finley has decided his latest trick should be standing up at the baby gates. On Thursday morning he decided to try to awww me with his new skill. It's as if he went to bed that night thinking about how he would do this the next day because low and behold, right after he woke up and waiting for his bottle to warm, he was standing. This new skill also equals falling to the ground from higher up! What's a mom to do? Since Thursday though Finley has learned to fall on his butt in sitting position when he lets go of the gate... whewww! I did get a video of him pulling up and standing however I am having trouble with my loaner laptop posting videos to the blog at this time. I will try to post some of the videos I have been taking at a later date (aka- when I get my computer back!!) . Oh and his check up with the Doc on Thursday went great. The ears are all good and clear of infection although I hate to say it but I see he is having a runny nose again... let's hope it's not another cold! I hope it's just due to teething...I feel a little lump coming through his bottom gums... I think the first tooth is FINALLY making it's debut!
Here are some pictures of my little standing boy tonight as well as a few others from the last few days.

Not entirely happy here?

Tonight waiting for his bottle

Getting into Howie and Opsec's toys

Happy boy with his OWN toys

One VERY messy dinner!

A Finley Favorite... eating Mommy's iPhone (don't think the Apple people built it for this!)

Mommy's little helper

1 comment:

  1. Sooo cute! Miss you guys, we'll have to get together soon :)
