This morning we went to the Doc for Finley's 9 month check up. Can I just say Woo-Hoo for NO shots this time? Anyway... The appointment went well. Finley's overall health is just great. I did ask the doctor about what I thought was a patch of excema on his chin (you can probably see it in photos) and the doctor said that it was not excema but just a patch of dry rough skin probably caused from constant irritation (eating, gnawing on everything) and drooling from teething. He said not to worry about it and let it run the remainder of it's course (it's been there for a month). If it gets worse or bigger I can treat it with simple Vaseline and get it checked out again? Ok, good news on that. I was beginning to think it may have been triggered from a food and starting to panic.
Also, weirdly I just noticed a birthmark forming on Finley's ear yesterday so I asked about that. The doc confirmed it certainly is a birthmark and not all birthmarks happen at birth but can in the first year. He said it may get bigger before going away? I guess nothing to worry about either. As far as development they think things are just fine though when they asked me if he could play simple games like pat-a-cake sadly I had to tell them no, my child rarely sits still long enough to listen to me teach him anything? Has he figured out how to unplug everything, toss toys for Howie and open my cabinets in the living room? Yes. Not to mention his walking. He is able to now take 5 or 6 steps on his own. So I guess Finley is boycotting some milestones like waving bye-bye, patty-cake and so on. He points to all lights, dances on command and is learning to "jump" on the couch when you put him up there. Can I get a wave bye-bye? He does love a good game of peek-a-boo though.
As for growth, here are Finley's stats: Weight- 19.9 lbs, 28th percentile. Length- 29.5 inches 82nd percentile, Head size 45 cm, 36th percentile. So his growth pattern has pretty much remained consistent and that is all that matters.
Last, but certainly not least, the teeth are emerging. Finley's gum's are jagged with his two bottom teeth and after feeling them, Doctor Yu said any minute now! Yay! I will keep you posted!
This evening we are headed out to watch my sister play a tennis match at some courts within walking distance of our house. First, I have to wake Finley up from his late nap today...
I'm glad to hear he is doing so well. What a super little boy.