Friday, May 29, 2009

First Attempt at Blogging

Well I decided to finally try it. I am going to post to the blog. I am just hoping that I don’t mess it up…Today was my first day off since our unit moved into Iraq, so I figured why not try blogging. I realized how great of a tool it is to keep family and fiends up to date with current activates. I know I have a tough act to follow with Erin’s creativity and can only hope to be as entertaining as she is. It is always one of the highlights of my day reading Erin’s posts. So here goes nothing.

Erin previously mentioned some of my living accommodations. Here are some pictures to give you a better understanding of how I currently am living.

This is a picture of the “trailers” that we live in.

Here is the inside. You can obviously see that I have not picked up for the day (it’s my day off!!). There is never enough room.

This is the Palace right outside the trailer park which is officially called the LSA (Life Support Area). It has some office space, internet café, MWR facilities and the gym.

With this post I will leave you with a picture to ponder. Has anyone seen this dogs brother?


  1. First of all, well done Nate. Second that dog must be Opsec's stunt double? Oh my do they look alike. Please no more Iraqi dogs, one is enough.. :)

  2. Great job Nate! And Erin...Great job too!Thanks so much...You know we always look forward to the new pics and stories! I wonder how many sibs Opsec has???? Keep safe Nate. Love and miss you much!

  3. Good job,did you put Opsec in your duffel bag?
    Glad to see that you have airconditioning.
    Miss you

  4. Oh Nate...don't you dare bring that dog home...
