Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to ALL the mommies out there! I know quite a few who also celebrated their 1st Mother's Day today as well.
My first Mother's Day started off with bang...rather a spill... silly me turned my back on Finley for a few seconds this morning and he whipped my half-full coffee mug off our ottoman spilling it on the computer and himself. Thank goodness it was NOT hot... it had cooled down already and did not burn him at all. I learned my lesson... normally I would put my coffee up higher but I just forgot today?!
We headed down to Janesville to visit Nate's Mom and Grandma for Mother's Day. Pappy (Nate's grandpa) had knee surgery so they are currently staying with Nate's parents while he recovers and does his physical therapy. Nanny and Patti actually watched Finley for me for a bit while I ran out to look for the new car seat I want for him. I checked their Target in Janesville but nope, they didn't have the color I am looking for in the model. Let's just say black car seat + two dogs that ride in the car= no thanks for me. We are looking for the tan colored one... anyway. That's neither here nor there. We had a good first Mother's day. Finley was bit out of sorts but that is because those bottom teeth are finally making thier debue (I swear I am sure this time...). I am SO excited for him to get his first teeth because the poor guy has been gumming his food for the last 4 months!! Also, after we got home tonight and I was making his night-night bottle he was standing at the baby gate and saying what sounded a lot like Da Da? Could have been Ba-Ba (what we call his bottle). Only time will tell. Funny if he decided to say da-da on Mother's day, right? Of course I wouldn't care... I am thrilled to hear him say anything and I know it will be so exciting for Nate too.
I will reflect and say that I am happy to have joined forces with the Mother's of the world and be able to celebrate my first Mother's Day. Being a mom is the hardest yet most rewarding job and truely comes with new challenges and fun surprises each day!! Some days are tougher than others but it's all worth it. I really wish Nate had been here with us today but he did call me this morning and that was all I could ask for in our situation. I miss him a lot and sometimes the "special" days are a little tougher but we are strong and are thankful for the little things that we do have!!

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