Friday, October 23, 2009

Catching Up

Well I realize I have not been keeping up with the blog very well lately. Actually, I have been starting a post almost every night however I just never had the time or energy to finish them. Let me tell you why...

#1 Many a things need fixin' around here...this adds to my busy days. I have been forever trying to get our garage door fixed, a new front door installed and various other household projects done.

#2 Finley decided to boycott napping this week. I think his entire nap time probably equaled about 2 hours all week! At least he slept ok at night. A few wake ups lately. I am pretty sure this is a lot due to teething.

#3 See post Mommy's Little Helper

#4 Finley and I graciously came down with a cold this week. Fun!

#5 Finley has perfected the art of throwing a tantrum. He has been practicing for awhile but this week I think was Oscar worthy.

So there you have it. My top 5 reasons to keep me off of blogger for a week!

If you scroll down you can catch up with us this week as I have finished and posted all of my back entries. Enjoy!!

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