Monday, August 24, 2009

Go Go Go and Other Random Thoughts...

It seems Finley and I have been sort of busy these last few days. Actually, since Friday night. We traveled to Janesville for dinner at Nate's parents house. Finley highly enjoyed playing with cousins Gavin and Olivia and the attention of everyone. Saturday we did dinner and Borders with Aunt Chris. Sunday we traveled to Johnson Creek to meet Grandma Patti and Aunt Heather at the outlet mall for some shopping- by which Finley wasn't exactly game for the afternoon of shopping but with the help we made it. Today we had a playdate with Anna and Lisa for some "Splash Table" fun and backyard play. Then Finley and I headed over to dinner at their house. Since Nate is not here I don't ever grill out. We have a nice gas grill and the propane tank has sat empty all summer. It's hard enough to cook in the house with Finley underfoot let alone prep and cook and go in and out with Finley. He screams every time you open a door. I think he is going through his version of separation anxiety. He just thinks you are going to leave him and wants to make sure he gets to go with you. Well, my point is, we don't grill at home and I get my summer grilled food fix only when we are invited somewhere for a cookout. Tonight it was a burger and it was great!
The busy-ness continues...I have a "date" for dinner with Aunt Heather. It's a "stay-at-home-mom's much needed dinner out without the kids once in while" date. Patti and Greg will be graciously watching all three kiddos for a couple hours of our "decompression" time.

The beauty and gem of all this busy-ness? I haven't had to feed Finley dinner at home for 4 going on 5 nights!! You know what that means? I haven't had to clean up from dinner for 4 going on 5 nights!! A much needed break from the monotonous 3 times a day meal cleanup!! I feel liberated! Ha... okay my reality will come crashing down on me on Wednesday night. Oh well. It's been a good run. (secretly I am trying to see how many more days in a row I can plan things for dinner out (or not at OUR house) so I have no dinner cleanup...sick isn't it?). Such a silly thing but when you clean up from baby/toddler meals a 3 times a day, everyday, solo, you too would be celebrating this.

In the meantime...
Hopefully I can get some cleaning done around here tomorrow morning. It seems my house is the "self-destructing" type. Like the moment I get things picked up, cleaned and vacuumed it takes about an hour before it looks like I never did any of those things? Mom's of toddlers? Are you also experiencing this phenomenon? Some days I just don't bother...then regret it later when I look around at the mess and think what I have to face in the morning!!

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