Friday, August 28, 2009

Sleep Reader?

Sleep walking is something that runs in my family. I myself have been known to do all kinds of weird things in my sleep... such as turning on every light in the house, walking out the door and talking all kinds of nonsensical things. Scary huh? Just ask my husband all of his experiences with my sleep walking. I am beginning to wonder if this is something I may have passed down to Finley...
The other night... at 12:37pm (I remember as it was so strange) I woke to Finley "talking" in his crib. I now keep a few little board books in the corner of his crib for when he wakes up. He loves to look at books in the morning and will stay content in his crib for 20-30 minutes before needing me to get him.
The picture on our video baby monitor told me what was up. Our child was "reading" books in the dark. What the? He was paging through his books pointing and talking to the pictures.... in the dark? Either this kid has some imagination or he is following in his mama's footsteps...

I snapped a few pictures of the monitor with my phone so I could show Nate...
Look closely, you can see Finley sitting up against the side of his crib and the book...


  1. oh how he and Ramsey seem to be very much alike. This is soo something Ramsey would do.

  2. Oh, this is just the thing that a reading teacher like me loves! Startin' 'em early...that's AWESOME! :)
