Monday, August 31, 2009

The End of August...

Whoah? Where did the summer go? Now, for most people they are probably bummed to see the last day of August come and go. I myself am okay with it as it just means I am that much closer to seeing Nate and having him home for good too. We welcome September and all the fall has to bring....
Here are just a few random pictures from the last few weeks.

Howie's butt is an awesome book rest...

Making an entrance

Oooo...this is his new face when he sees a truck (wearing his t-shirt from our Albuquerque NM trip) It's covered in watermelon juice from lunch.

Wearing his t- shirt we got him in Key Largo on our "babymoon" vacation last year when I was about 28 weeks pregnant. He is holding a shark finger puppet that goes with is shark t-shirt.

Reading about his favorite thing, trucks...

Would you like a raspberry? (that's yogurt all over his head)

1 comment:

  1. I love that he's shampooing with yogurt, so cute!
