Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Finley's 12 Month Check Up

Today we had Finley's 12 month check up. All is good besides a little bout (his first) of diaper rash that he just developed yesterday . His weight was 22.7lbs (40%), 30.5 inches tall (66%) and 46.5 cm head circumference (50%). He received only 2 vaccines today (the max I will allow him to receive at a time). We will be going back over the next few weeks for 3 more. He also had to have his finger pricked for the lead test and to test for anemia. Poor guy. He was champ with the shots but that needle prick of his finger was it. I really did not care how loud he screamed and was not apologetic to the rest of the people waiting in the lab. My poor kid was poked and prodded and squeezed blood from. He could scream as loud as he wanted. I don't know why the needle for the finger had to be spring loaded and practically hydrolic? I was just glad to be done and get the heck out of the clinic. Enough for one day! Finley fell asleep on our 10 minute drive home- too much excitement and screaming I guess. I am glad he is well and know that the pokes and prods are necessary evils but I can still hate it right?

1 comment:

  1. Awe! Glad Finley made it through the day like a trooper.

    I like his Trek water bottle! :)
