Sunday, September 20, 2009

Crazy Busyness

I know I haven't posted for a week! It's one thing to not be able to post and another to be just too darn busy to post! This last week was one of those busy weeks for us. Stay tuned with me as I will be back-posting about all the things that we did as well as moving forward with posts! It's catch up time! You can look forward to Finley turning 13 months, a trip up North to Grandma and Grandpas, massive teething and stranger-anxiety!! Oh Boy... we have a lot going on!!

Tonight we just got home from a trip to Nate's parents house. Greg did some maintenance on my Highlander for me (thanks!), we had dinner with everyone and then got the grand opportunity to drive home after dark in the MONSOON that it is tonight. Okay, maybe a little dramatic but it seriously hasn't rained here in like 3 weeks so the fact that's its been steadily pouring for hours makes it a monsoon. Add that to trying to see on the interstate...I am glad to be home.

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