Monday, September 21, 2009

Library Fun

Today turned out to be another beautiful day so we took advantage of the nice weather. This afternoon we walked down to the library and park with Lisa and Anna. Finley enjoyed running around at the park and checking out other kids...I forgot to snap some pics of that but I did get a few of him playing with his favorite things at the library. We also enjoyed some time in the back yard as well. The dwindling warm days are so nice.

The much loved Lego table...he has stolen trains from the train table to use on the lego table...

He just loves the lego car base...really its all he does at the table is make car sounds and push the car?

Picking up bricks that are probably too heavy for him?

What Mom? I am playing?

Oh and I found Finley some "Truck" videos at the library. I am hoping that he may like to watch them for longer than the usual 5-10 minutes of his Sesame Street viewing so that I may get a few things done.. especially since they may be calling for rain all day tomorrow! Keep your fingers crossed.

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